Today,i went to church ,as Jess alwiz invite me ,summore 2dayz there's an event,it's call 'Dance of Love',sth like high skul musical..Well,usuali i lazy wan to go church,unless there's some special event,or i reali feel like goin lol ..The theme of da event suits it's about a bunch of teenager,who having their own dream and ambition..though there's alot of obstacles,but they made it..parents reali play an important role in supporting their children,though they alwiz think they think for the sake for their children,but if the children not hapi with parents decision,wats da point..But at least da decision made is not a bad bad choice lar..and today i met a new fren,named Darren,he's from penang,n doin architecture in Taylors(PJ)..he's quite a nice guy,though i think im better lol , jk..
And here's come the peak of today's church..A singaporean came to today's church,and share his life with us..Erm i forget wat's his name,but wat he said reali touched my heart..Since small,he had to accept tat he's alone,and took k by his grandparents..when he was 2years old,he heard tat her mom die in an accident,and his dad was a drunker,he came back late,and even if he came back,he'll be drunk,as he never appear at all in the lil boy's life..Then by chance,he entered a church,where he found happiness and direction in the church..He met his true frenz,da pastors treated him v nice,he felt love at there..At the age for 14+,he left the church,went into the community..sudenly he lost his directions,he cant find any true fren,he was not hapi,and he's wonder if any place can satisfy or fulfill his need..Then he started to flash back,when he's young,he's been to a he went to b to his old place,but when he went to da church,he lost his contact of his old frenz..da pastors was not there,it was not da place he knew..But someday when he was eating wantan mee(duno wat he ate tat time),he met back his old frenz,who bring him to the church when young..but he forget to get her number,so he searched frenster and added her in msn(datz da technology =D),he never ask her to go church with him,he waited her to invite,and when da day arrive,he accepted immediately..(tatz guyz,air muka more important)..suprisingly,he met back his old frenz,and da pastors still kept his ambition and dream..he wrote : i wanna to be rich,im happi to become a christian,someday when i have my own family,i'll bring them to church,i wan them to feeel protec(ed)..wao,wat he said reali make me touced,n i felt my tears in my eyes..maybe i felt touched,or i feel like cryin these few dayz,but nvr had a chance for me..aix im in bit stress oso i think..duno how to start,duno how to say..
Then be4 da service ended,pastor tell us a story,and here it goes :
Once a upon a time,Jesus went to tis lake,a very very big lake,and there's a small kampung nearby da lake..In da kampung,there's was a man,name Zakius(i duno wats da spelling),he was a tax collector..And at those time,a tax collector consider-ed a 'dai go' in da kampung,and he was very rich..though he was rich,but he felt unhappi and unfair,coz he was v short..Someday he heard tat Jesus was going to dat village,he's happi..he knows,if he went with da crowd,but Jesus canot see him,coz he's too he decided to climb a tree,a big big tree,juz to see him..And it's not easy to climb becoz of his height.When Jesus came,though besides Him there's alot ppl,but he walk in da crowd,towards da tree,and tell him to come down,He willing to dinner with him..Zakius was so touched,and he was very happi..
The moral of this story is,nvr blame anyone for any unlucky things happen in u...nvr give up,as faith is in ur hand,u r da one tat can change it,if u determine too..though Zakius was short,but becoz he nvr give up,and when there's a will,there's a way,tatz why he climb da tree lol..Sometimes life may not seem that smooth all da way,there's obstacles everywhere,and it make us to grow =) ..
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sharing bout love ..
Woo,finally friday again,but still kinda busy , busy goin out,busy prepare for tomolo's charity home visit..aiz like dun have enough time for myself..i gave my time for study,and during free time i gave it to my fren late nite,i reali v tired,till i cant wait for her call ...I do hope to phone u dear ,but u onli free after midnite,n i have my class tomolo morning at 8am,how u suppose me to wait for u,though i reali wanna to wait for u ..i know u r busy , i know u wanna finish ur homework n do revision..i oso wanna do dat too,and i lagi hope to chat with u ..Too bad i think time is juz not allow us to do so ...
Then yday,finally i bought da bus ticket to singapore !haha ..i go with my frenz ..then we went klcc since we still have some free time..and then we pass by a chocolate shop (duno wat name ar , chocolatier ar?start with B de , and those chocolates are from Belgium) then my fren went inside to buy , coz her bf is coming down from ipoh to visit her !she so hapi , and she decided to buy him a chocolate,though at first she reali duno wat to buy for him ..It cost rm52 for 100g,and it's equivalent to 7 pieces of small chocolate , omg ..She manage to buy 4..And by the time she paid it , she smile hapily ..Wao,a gf buy chocolate for her bf , sounds sweet and nice for me ..Summore she say tatz da finnest chocolate,and if her bf love it,she'll buy for him alwiz's not about da money,it's about sharing da best stuff with my bf ..she said.
We went down to have our tea-break,and i had my Mcd.while eating ,she started to ask me, 'what shud i buy for my bf?my bf birthday is jan,i must plan now..'Wao,sudenly bit feeling jealous bout her bf ..she told me dat he's her childhood frenz,they werent tat close during secondary,but after a-lvls,they met back each other and started their journey.she said that she oso feel unbelievable,but i reali do believe tat fate would bring some ppl back tgt in nowhere ..
She ask me to suggest wat guys like..then i juz gave her some examples of stuffs tat guys usually like,actuali i oso dun reali know..coz even i myself oso duno wat i wan ..haha..then she reject some of my suggestion,say it's abit outdated..Finnaly,she asked me 1 question,i myself oso feel kinda syok..she asked, '' if for you,wats da gift from ur gf tat can make u feel touched?'' i duno reali know how to answer her ..Maybe i hope something from her,like wallet ar,shirts ar,anything..i know she din reali cant afford it,and i nvr hope i can get anythings from her..And she said,if he/she reali love u,he/she will go and find u ,no matter what,no matter how far it would be ..she did went to find his bf be4,and i know she'll be goin to ipoh next time..everytime i ask her to come from klang to puchong,she nvr will,aiz make me disappointed ald ..of coz i dun wish her to be in danger,juz becoz i wan her to find me ..i sendiri oso duno ..
Well,finally we reached back imu,but i missed da infinity millers thingy,so i waited inside da car ..then we decided to go pasar malam,since it's thursday nite..while walkin,i rmb our time walking pasar malam too,though it juz few times,but i do hope everytime i busy in day,i can enjoy with u,relax with u at nite ..we can walk walk around,eat whenever we wan,do watever we feel like to do,juz anything !sumtimes i juz think,if study reali for da future,how bout now?so we'll juz miss da time now,and go for da future mar?then we'll be missing alot of things to do tgt..sigh,wat is future anyway..
Sometimes,i will ask myself,am i being lazy in love alreadi?my answer for now,it's no..and im still v hardworking to work it out,to maintain it ..and i know you too..maybe sumtimes i juz merajuk,coz i feel it juz not enough,not enough for me..i cant see anything from u..i din hope to chat few hours with u ,at least in 5-10 mins,u'll show me ur love ,tatz all i boost up my stamina,brighten my day,and colour my life..i dun wan sry from you,da sry had become meaningless..u r teling me sry everyday,dont u think so?wats da point of sayin sry next time,when u reali did wrong?u shud know i treat sry,thx these kind of word seriously..i heard u say sry more than u say nitez or bb to me anymore..i guess i shudnt say i wanna wait for u or find u,the onli reply i get is sry breaks my heart,i dun wish to hug da word 'sry' everynite i slp..i feel itz hard for me..aiz,i guess u dun understand,u got ur own life now,ur new frenz,everything is new..and maybe u reali workin hard in ur study,and i'll alwiz ur biggest fan ..
If someday someone ask me again,wats da gift tat i ever received from my gf tat make me feel v touched..Dear,from da day u accepted me,i know tatz da best gift ever from u,to me ..even the finnest chocolate,or greatest gift oso cant replace this answer ..becoz it's from you k?IT'S YOU !!u're my greatest gift ..from you to me ..=)u gave ur heart to me ... 9 1215225 251521
Gotta go again,farewell 'party' now,haha cya guyz .. dont ever let urself to ask u tis question, 'why when he/she left me,onli i know how to treasure him/her..''
*It's easy to start a new relationship,but when we r tryin to maintain it,tatz da hardest part .. =) GOOD DAY !
Then yday,finally i bought da bus ticket to singapore !haha ..i go with my frenz ..then we went klcc since we still have some free time..and then we pass by a chocolate shop (duno wat name ar , chocolatier ar?start with B de , and those chocolates are from Belgium) then my fren went inside to buy , coz her bf is coming down from ipoh to visit her !she so hapi , and she decided to buy him a chocolate,though at first she reali duno wat to buy for him ..It cost rm52 for 100g,and it's equivalent to 7 pieces of small chocolate , omg ..She manage to buy 4..And by the time she paid it , she smile hapily ..Wao,a gf buy chocolate for her bf , sounds sweet and nice for me ..Summore she say tatz da finnest chocolate,and if her bf love it,she'll buy for him alwiz's not about da money,it's about sharing da best stuff with my bf ..she said.
We went down to have our tea-break,and i had my Mcd.while eating ,she started to ask me, 'what shud i buy for my bf?my bf birthday is jan,i must plan now..'Wao,sudenly bit feeling jealous bout her bf ..she told me dat he's her childhood frenz,they werent tat close during secondary,but after a-lvls,they met back each other and started their journey.she said that she oso feel unbelievable,but i reali do believe tat fate would bring some ppl back tgt in nowhere ..
She ask me to suggest wat guys like..then i juz gave her some examples of stuffs tat guys usually like,actuali i oso dun reali know..coz even i myself oso duno wat i wan ..haha..then she reject some of my suggestion,say it's abit outdated..Finnaly,she asked me 1 question,i myself oso feel kinda syok..she asked, '' if for you,wats da gift from ur gf tat can make u feel touched?'' i duno reali know how to answer her ..Maybe i hope something from her,like wallet ar,shirts ar,anything..i know she din reali cant afford it,and i nvr hope i can get anythings from her..And she said,if he/she reali love u,he/she will go and find u ,no matter what,no matter how far it would be ..she did went to find his bf be4,and i know she'll be goin to ipoh next time..everytime i ask her to come from klang to puchong,she nvr will,aiz make me disappointed ald ..of coz i dun wish her to be in danger,juz becoz i wan her to find me ..i sendiri oso duno ..
Well,finally we reached back imu,but i missed da infinity millers thingy,so i waited inside da car ..then we decided to go pasar malam,since it's thursday nite..while walkin,i rmb our time walking pasar malam too,though it juz few times,but i do hope everytime i busy in day,i can enjoy with u,relax with u at nite ..we can walk walk around,eat whenever we wan,do watever we feel like to do,juz anything !sumtimes i juz think,if study reali for da future,how bout now?so we'll juz miss da time now,and go for da future mar?then we'll be missing alot of things to do tgt..sigh,wat is future anyway..
Sometimes,i will ask myself,am i being lazy in love alreadi?my answer for now,it's no..and im still v hardworking to work it out,to maintain it ..and i know you too..maybe sumtimes i juz merajuk,coz i feel it juz not enough,not enough for me..i cant see anything from u..i din hope to chat few hours with u ,at least in 5-10 mins,u'll show me ur love ,tatz all i boost up my stamina,brighten my day,and colour my life..i dun wan sry from you,da sry had become meaningless..u r teling me sry everyday,dont u think so?wats da point of sayin sry next time,when u reali did wrong?u shud know i treat sry,thx these kind of word seriously..i heard u say sry more than u say nitez or bb to me anymore..i guess i shudnt say i wanna wait for u or find u,the onli reply i get is sry breaks my heart,i dun wish to hug da word 'sry' everynite i slp..i feel itz hard for me..aiz,i guess u dun understand,u got ur own life now,ur new frenz,everything is new..and maybe u reali workin hard in ur study,and i'll alwiz ur biggest fan ..
If someday someone ask me again,wats da gift tat i ever received from my gf tat make me feel v touched..Dear,from da day u accepted me,i know tatz da best gift ever from u,to me ..even the finnest chocolate,or greatest gift oso cant replace this answer ..becoz it's from you k?IT'S YOU !!u're my greatest gift ..from you to me ..=)u gave ur heart to me ... 9 1215225 251521
Gotta go again,farewell 'party' now,haha cya guyz .. dont ever let urself to ask u tis question, 'why when he/she left me,onli i know how to treasure him/her..''
*It's easy to start a new relationship,but when we r tryin to maintain it,tatz da hardest part .. =) GOOD DAY !
Saturday, August 30, 2008
U r not alone ..
Actualli i saw this post in da chinese word form,but i knew some1(my dear) duno how to read alot of words,tatz y i wrote in english form ,i pick a few for discussion ba xD .. lol
Yeah,i did agree that at the start of relationship,everyone feels it's sweet,and hapi,as there's one to share with u,everything of u..And when ya alone,u wont feel u r alone anymore,when u did anything,he/she will be ur first priority ..Aiz,but as this goes on,there mayb some quarrel between a couple,but tis is not the main problem u know?i VERY agree , that as time goes by,u r getting lazy to work for da relationship between u n her/him...Tatz y i said , dun be lazy,must hav da passion and da spirit,as how u chase her at da first place(i mean for guyz k,maybe galz too,i duno lol)...
I know u're busy for tis time,busy adapting urself to a new enviroment,busy with ur assignments and study,busy finding a true-hearted fren,busy with everythin..Yeah , i know today it's not yesterday anymore..U r far from me,n there's no way back..u r heading towards ur goal,me too ..even wanna phone or chat with u oso nid to wait till late nite..sumtimes im kinda tired,especially these few dayz of orientation..u know,i reali hope to wait for ur phone,but i feel im tired...I duno wat shud i do,it's not ur fault either,it juz i wan u,but im tired too ...Perhaps u shud know ,whenever i find u,u r busy with ur stuff,but when u find me,i realli try to push away everything im doin for u..
And this few dayz of orientation reali did forming a bond between me and my mates,wao everything that they said is true..It's good to try some new stuffs and adventures,but dun try to switch another bf/gf yeah lolz ..(erm erm)haha..Even we seldom spend time together,ur heart is alwiz bonded with my heart k?I do miss u everytime i did something,and i hope u did well at there too k ?Ntg is impossible if u reali try hard on it ..(no matter how hard i try 2 escape,i juz cant runaway,coz i'd taken by YOU!)haha ..Cheer up k?
K,tatz all for today,next post wil be talkin bout my orientations yeah ...Still got another week to go..hav fun guyz ...
Yeah,i did agree that at the start of relationship,everyone feels it's sweet,and hapi,as there's one to share with u,everything of u..And when ya alone,u wont feel u r alone anymore,when u did anything,he/she will be ur first priority ..Aiz,but as this goes on,there mayb some quarrel between a couple,but tis is not the main problem u know?i VERY agree , that as time goes by,u r getting lazy to work for da relationship between u n her/him...Tatz y i said , dun be lazy,must hav da passion and da spirit,as how u chase her at da first place(i mean for guyz k,maybe galz too,i duno lol)...
I know u're busy for tis time,busy adapting urself to a new enviroment,busy with ur assignments and study,busy finding a true-hearted fren,busy with everythin..Yeah , i know today it's not yesterday anymore..U r far from me,n there's no way back..u r heading towards ur goal,me too ..even wanna phone or chat with u oso nid to wait till late nite..sumtimes im kinda tired,especially these few dayz of orientation..u know,i reali hope to wait for ur phone,but i feel im tired...I duno wat shud i do,it's not ur fault either,it juz i wan u,but im tired too ...Perhaps u shud know ,whenever i find u,u r busy with ur stuff,but when u find me,i realli try to push away everything im doin for u..
And this few dayz of orientation reali did forming a bond between me and my mates,wao everything that they said is true..It's good to try some new stuffs and adventures,but dun try to switch another bf/gf yeah lolz ..(erm erm)haha..Even we seldom spend time together,ur heart is alwiz bonded with my heart k?I do miss u everytime i did something,and i hope u did well at there too k ?Ntg is impossible if u reali try hard on it ..(no matter how hard i try 2 escape,i juz cant runaway,coz i'd taken by YOU!)haha ..Cheer up k?
K,tatz all for today,next post wil be talkin bout my orientations yeah ...Still got another week to go..hav fun guyz ...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday ..
Oh well,today wake up in the morning , around 8am,kinda tired,as last nite cc with vincent till 2am,haha..Kinda rush today,early morning before breakfast i went to Taylor's to collect my cert , and certified my cert...Do u know where am I goin to next?Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee,im going IMU to pay for my registration fees,and im gonna to start my skul next week !kinda fast though , but im hapi , at least i wont need to wait till next year February intake ..and summore ,it's my dream ,whenever i pass by imu during my ride to go home ,i alwiz wish i'll be there someday ..Wish me good luck !
Then during afternoon,i went midv to pass my frenz some books , tatz y couldnt make it to badminton , sry guys =) ..i reali kinda busy today,hope yeah understand..oh btw ,i get offered to become a tutor , haha,i'd been teaching standard 4 students now , 4 little galz...Wao,reali train my patience -.- ...
Around 5pm+, i went to lrt station to park my car , as im going to kl central..tat bloody ktm let me wait till 40min..i regret -.-,summore so pack,kns...then after i reached kl central ,i met 2 of my frenz(chingy and fong),and we decided to take KLIA transit to go to putrajaya..OMG,the station i took da ktm(tasik selatan),behind mai got 1 KLIA transit lor ?!lol -.- pay more to go further distance,then have to pass by there once again..
Oh well , we reached putrajaya in time ,and we took free bus to go there..Well,the bus juz dropped us somewhere,and ask us to walk there ,kinda piss off ald tat time..when we reached da entrance,the policeman stopped us ,said we cant go inside,can onli watched fren,chingy(alwiz find gaduh) shoot tat policeman , we came so far from sungai buloh ,and now we have to stay outside n watched,not fair !further is da goverment dat encourage us to take public transport ,now we couldnt go inside unless we have transport to go in there..OMG they reali dumb,we came by public transport,how we gonna find a car now?(maybe someone can buddy ride us ?!haha ..)
Then we start complain to other policemen ,they said that we can go inside by walking..kns lar,one say can,another 1 say canot..then they started to report to their chief..few minutes later,alot of police vehicles coming,we saw different type of motocycles,lol ..kinda cool though,my fren chingy sumore said ask their police car to fetch us in =.=,i dun wan minum kopi ..awhile later,they get permission from their chief,and let us in..Wooo,hapi =D ...
Btw,the walkin distance i think got 1km,we took around 30min to reach da stadium..wao,it's kinda cool u know ?haha,chingy summore said there's 300k of ppl in average tat went to the fireworks competiition..oh yeah now onli i've mentioned,we r goin for the fireworks competition xD ..Thanks to fong,he bought us chicken rice earlier before he went to kl central,and we had our dinner inside,haha ...good job fong lol ..
Actuali the fireworks suppose to start at 9.30pm,but u know ler,according to malaysia's time , it started at 10pm =.=...we also 'sempat' to get some picture =D..be4 it started,we find a nicest spot to watch fireworks,oh well, we finally made it,we climb up the clift under da stadium,and we sit down ther n's kinda cool,as before the fireworks started,we countdown together..Aiz now i wished she's here..As she said she'll be coming too,oh well,everythings r juz too sudden..
Oh yeah,my gf went singapore and study chemical and biomolecular engineering in NTU..oh god,i miss her so much =X ..As the fireworks started,and it came together with musics summore,makes everything looks perfect =) ..the onli thing tat makes da whole trip imperfect,oh well,she's not beside me..but still,she's alwiz within my heart..and she's coming back to jb on friday,means today lar ,lol..though stil i cant see her,but at least she's 'nearer' to me now =) ..well,i alwiz hopin the day will come,where we'll meet each other again =) ..rite dear?
Yeah lar,everything looks hapi when we went for tat fireworks thingy,after it ended,chamx ald,every1 feels tired and lazy to walk back,sumore it's so least 1.5km ald ,lol ..but still,if ur heart wasnt rushing for somthing,u wont feel it's very far,and everythin will be done in peace ...=D and tonite i get to stay in chingy's place..be4 bed,he showed me alot of pics of his own in da magazines,and some cards/presents from juniors and frenz ..Haha,he's a good guy,like fong too ..and vincent , jenghui they all ,all of them are good guys,anyone galz interested?i can intro de =) ..but u know lar,nothing comes free in tis world ,erm erm..haha ..
Chingy promised to bring me go dimsum in da morning,but i slept til 11am onli woke up ,lol like piggy onli =D ..then we played pingpong,as we alwiz wanted to do since we met each's kinda rush for me oso ,coz i nid to fetch my sis from kindergarden sigh ..and piew,sry i think i lost ur badminton racquet while i park my car overnite at sri petaling lrt station ..dun worry,i'll pay it back when i see u later..means tonite oso , when we daji xD ..
Aiz tatz all for now ,actuali i'd been posting a blog after my redang trip,but it keep hang when i uploading the pics to the blog,so i sien ald ..oh well, keep in touch guyz..and i miss u all! (dear,u step aside...haha) ciaoz ..
Then during afternoon,i went midv to pass my frenz some books , tatz y couldnt make it to badminton , sry guys =) ..i reali kinda busy today,hope yeah understand..oh btw ,i get offered to become a tutor , haha,i'd been teaching standard 4 students now , 4 little galz...Wao,reali train my patience -.- ...
Around 5pm+, i went to lrt station to park my car , as im going to kl central..tat bloody ktm let me wait till 40min..i regret -.-,summore so pack,kns...then after i reached kl central ,i met 2 of my frenz(chingy and fong),and we decided to take KLIA transit to go to putrajaya..OMG,the station i took da ktm(tasik selatan),behind mai got 1 KLIA transit lor ?!lol -.- pay more to go further distance,then have to pass by there once again..
Oh well , we reached putrajaya in time ,and we took free bus to go there..Well,the bus juz dropped us somewhere,and ask us to walk there ,kinda piss off ald tat time..when we reached da entrance,the policeman stopped us ,said we cant go inside,can onli watched fren,chingy(alwiz find gaduh) shoot tat policeman , we came so far from sungai buloh ,and now we have to stay outside n watched,not fair !further is da goverment dat encourage us to take public transport ,now we couldnt go inside unless we have transport to go in there..OMG they reali dumb,we came by public transport,how we gonna find a car now?(maybe someone can buddy ride us ?!haha ..)
Then we start complain to other policemen ,they said that we can go inside by walking..kns lar,one say can,another 1 say canot..then they started to report to their chief..few minutes later,alot of police vehicles coming,we saw different type of motocycles,lol ..kinda cool though,my fren chingy sumore said ask their police car to fetch us in =.=,i dun wan minum kopi ..awhile later,they get permission from their chief,and let us in..Wooo,hapi =D ...
Btw,the walkin distance i think got 1km,we took around 30min to reach da stadium..wao,it's kinda cool u know ?haha,chingy summore said there's 300k of ppl in average tat went to the fireworks competiition..oh yeah now onli i've mentioned,we r goin for the fireworks competition xD ..Thanks to fong,he bought us chicken rice earlier before he went to kl central,and we had our dinner inside,haha ...good job fong lol ..
Actuali the fireworks suppose to start at 9.30pm,but u know ler,according to malaysia's time , it started at 10pm =.=...we also 'sempat' to get some picture =D..be4 it started,we find a nicest spot to watch fireworks,oh well, we finally made it,we climb up the clift under da stadium,and we sit down ther n's kinda cool,as before the fireworks started,we countdown together..Aiz now i wished she's here..As she said she'll be coming too,oh well,everythings r juz too sudden..
Oh yeah,my gf went singapore and study chemical and biomolecular engineering in NTU..oh god,i miss her so much =X ..As the fireworks started,and it came together with musics summore,makes everything looks perfect =) ..the onli thing tat makes da whole trip imperfect,oh well,she's not beside me..but still,she's alwiz within my heart..and she's coming back to jb on friday,means today lar ,lol..though stil i cant see her,but at least she's 'nearer' to me now =) ..well,i alwiz hopin the day will come,where we'll meet each other again =) ..rite dear?
Yeah lar,everything looks hapi when we went for tat fireworks thingy,after it ended,chamx ald,every1 feels tired and lazy to walk back,sumore it's so least 1.5km ald ,lol ..but still,if ur heart wasnt rushing for somthing,u wont feel it's very far,and everythin will be done in peace ...=D and tonite i get to stay in chingy's place..be4 bed,he showed me alot of pics of his own in da magazines,and some cards/presents from juniors and frenz ..Haha,he's a good guy,like fong too ..and vincent , jenghui they all ,all of them are good guys,anyone galz interested?i can intro de =) ..but u know lar,nothing comes free in tis world ,erm erm..haha ..
Chingy promised to bring me go dimsum in da morning,but i slept til 11am onli woke up ,lol like piggy onli =D ..then we played pingpong,as we alwiz wanted to do since we met each's kinda rush for me oso ,coz i nid to fetch my sis from kindergarden sigh ..and piew,sry i think i lost ur badminton racquet while i park my car overnite at sri petaling lrt station ..dun worry,i'll pay it back when i see u later..means tonite oso , when we daji xD ..
Aiz tatz all for now ,actuali i'd been posting a blog after my redang trip,but it keep hang when i uploading the pics to the blog,so i sien ald ..oh well, keep in touch guyz..and i miss u all! (dear,u step aside...haha) ciaoz ..
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Normal Day
Oh well , it's thursday again -.-,but yet , today is quite special for me ..Coz ..i can go pasar malam today =D..(sry ya hav to hide da truth,lol)..
Hmm , juz receive my results yday , wat to say ,err bit happy ,yet not that satisfied too..At least got improvement , tatz all i can say , hope to do well in finals ya ..
Went badminton with ah fong ,stan , edwin and lexy yday ..hashini ffk us =( ..then lexy went home early , left us four bachelors alone ..plan to ate A&W for lunch ,too bad , they r renovating their we decided to go Subang Parade ..Aiz , rm15 gone again lol ..
Yday kinda tired , yet siu siu sad , because.. haha actually it juz nothing lar..chamx edi , holidays for 2 weeks , doin nothing onli , if exam is not around the corner , i'll be sleeping for the whole day ya =) ..
Nothing to post tim , oh ya , tomorrow i can have my favourite fried rice =) .. haha ,tatz all ..happpy everyone ..
Hmm , juz receive my results yday , wat to say ,err bit happy ,yet not that satisfied too..At least got improvement , tatz all i can say , hope to do well in finals ya ..
Went badminton with ah fong ,stan , edwin and lexy yday ..hashini ffk us =( ..then lexy went home early , left us four bachelors alone ..plan to ate A&W for lunch ,too bad , they r renovating their we decided to go Subang Parade ..Aiz , rm15 gone again lol ..
Yday kinda tired , yet siu siu sad , because.. haha actually it juz nothing lar..chamx edi , holidays for 2 weeks , doin nothing onli , if exam is not around the corner , i'll be sleeping for the whole day ya =) ..
Nothing to post tim , oh ya , tomorrow i can have my favourite fried rice =) .. haha ,tatz all ..happpy everyone ..
Monday, April 7, 2008
A copy-n-paste Post
Girl facts---
When a girl is mean to you after a
she wants you back but she is too
scared she'll get hurt and knows
you're gone forever!
when you catch a girl glancing at you,
she wants you to look back
and smile
When a girl bumps into your arm,
while walking with you
she wants
you to hold her hand
When she wants a hug
she will just stand there
When u break a girls heart
she still feels it when
you run into each other 3 years later
When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through
When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply,,
When a girl looks at you with eyes
full of
she is wondering how long you will be
When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after
few seconds,
she is not at all fine
When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are playing
When a girl lays her head on your
she is wishing for you to be hers
When a girl says she can't live
without you,
she has made up her mind that you are
her future
When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more
than that
--Guy Facts:
When a guy calls you,
he wants to be with you
When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
When a guy says, "I'm fine after a few
he means it
When a guy stares at you,
he wishes you would care about him and
wonders if you do
When your laying your head on a guy's
he has the world
When a guy
calls/texts/comments/messages you
he is in love
When a (good) guy tells you he loves
he means it
When a guy says he can't live without
he's with you till your done
When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have
ever missed him or anything else
For guyz , if something ever happen to u ,such as this , then dont be that noob edi lar ,haha ..For galz , no comment lol ... But then im quite sure most of you had seen this kind of msg be4 ba ..if yes dun flame , dun let me catch who flame my blog, u watch out =D ... (especially be@r and feiyang lol)
Have a nice day ..
When a girl is mean to you after a
she wants you back but she is too
scared she'll get hurt and knows
you're gone forever!
when you catch a girl glancing at you,
she wants you to look back
and smile
When a girl bumps into your arm,
while walking with you
she wants
you to hold her hand
When she wants a hug
she will just stand there
When u break a girls heart
she still feels it when
you run into each other 3 years later
When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through
When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply,,
When a girl looks at you with eyes
full of
she is wondering how long you will be
When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after
few seconds,
she is not at all fine
When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are playing
When a girl lays her head on your
she is wishing for you to be hers
When a girl says she can't live
without you,
she has made up her mind that you are
her future
When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more
than that
--Guy Facts:
When a guy calls you,
he wants to be with you
When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
When a guy says, "I'm fine after a few
he means it
When a guy stares at you,
he wishes you would care about him and
wonders if you do
When your laying your head on a guy's
he has the world
When a guy
calls/texts/comments/messages you
he is in love
When a (good) guy tells you he loves
he means it
When a guy says he can't live without
he's with you till your done
When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have
ever missed him or anything else
For guyz , if something ever happen to u ,such as this , then dont be that noob edi lar ,haha ..For galz , no comment lol ... But then im quite sure most of you had seen this kind of msg be4 ba ..if yes dun flame , dun let me catch who flame my blog, u watch out =D ... (especially be@r and feiyang lol)
Have a nice day ..
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Exam Finished =D...
Hmm , quite a long time i din update my blog , later no ppl wanna visit me edi =X ..Yar , exam juz finished , holidayz are juz around the corner,kinda planning wat to do during holiday edi =) ..Study @@' , lol ..
Aiz i feel im hardworking in this trials , but too bad , stil not hardworking enough to achieve my target , gonna be more hardworking soon =) ..i've been study for 6 hours in a day,im kinda sick edi ar ..last time , da ji 6 hours , woot , im hapi =) ..but now study 6 hours , i oso feel quite hapi too , finally understand and recall all my studies mar , so the conclusion is , rmb to study everyday =) ...haha
Ok , time to talk about feelings edi =) ..
'What does it takes to tell you that u're my everything ? '
Of coz , i think is quite early too say this kind of stuff at our age , if when u're 80 years old ++ ,and u ask ur partner again , i think it would be sweet and nice ...
Too bad ya , for those guys which r not romantic(like me =X) , there's alwayz a chance to show ur romantic-ness to ur gf or ur galz de ..i heard from a fren yesterday , tyring to ACT to be a romantic person is not the way u present urself to ur partner ..Then he said that , his gf tell him that spending time with him is alwiz romantic for her ..OF COZ ,for guys , we must alwayz think OUTSIDE the BOX rite?haha , we must think more than that ...(of coz not all the galz oso can satisfy that easily , if yes , woot , im a PLAYBOY edi , lol )Not everyone having creativity to think alot of romantic stuffs rite?even though u hav , some may not have the courage to do so..Sometimes i wish i have some courage , juz some , to tell her how much she meant for me , but too bad ..aiz ..
'Actually i have alot of chances to tell u how much I Love You , but instead i choose to prove it to YOU ' ............(sounds nice ,actualli is coward after all , dun dare to say out , haha xD )
Everyone is different mar , some loves ppl to be more courageous to say it out , some loves surprise , some are more preferable to be normal , etc ..
'It just like ...
A spoon and a fork ,
A baseball and a bat ,
A honey and a bee ,
A pair of chopsticks ,
A TURTLE and a PIG ..etc
We're just meant to be together ... '
Aiya , lazy edi lolz , later post again ba =0 ..hapi everyday , dun giv up ya =)
Aiz i feel im hardworking in this trials , but too bad , stil not hardworking enough to achieve my target , gonna be more hardworking soon =) ..i've been study for 6 hours in a day,im kinda sick edi ar ..last time , da ji 6 hours , woot , im hapi =) ..but now study 6 hours , i oso feel quite hapi too , finally understand and recall all my studies mar , so the conclusion is , rmb to study everyday =) ...haha
Ok , time to talk about feelings edi =) ..
'What does it takes to tell you that u're my everything ? '
Of coz , i think is quite early too say this kind of stuff at our age , if when u're 80 years old ++ ,and u ask ur partner again , i think it would be sweet and nice ...
Too bad ya , for those guys which r not romantic(like me =X) , there's alwayz a chance to show ur romantic-ness to ur gf or ur galz de ..i heard from a fren yesterday , tyring to ACT to be a romantic person is not the way u present urself to ur partner ..Then he said that , his gf tell him that spending time with him is alwiz romantic for her ..OF COZ ,for guys , we must alwayz think OUTSIDE the BOX rite?haha , we must think more than that ...(of coz not all the galz oso can satisfy that easily , if yes , woot , im a PLAYBOY edi , lol )Not everyone having creativity to think alot of romantic stuffs rite?even though u hav , some may not have the courage to do so..Sometimes i wish i have some courage , juz some , to tell her how much she meant for me , but too bad ..aiz ..
'Actually i have alot of chances to tell u how much I Love You , but instead i choose to prove it to YOU ' ............(sounds nice ,actualli is coward after all , dun dare to say out , haha xD )
Everyone is different mar , some loves ppl to be more courageous to say it out , some loves surprise , some are more preferable to be normal , etc ..
'It just like ...
A spoon and a fork ,
A baseball and a bat ,
A honey and a bee ,
A pair of chopsticks ,
A TURTLE and a PIG ..etc
We're just meant to be together ... '
Aiya , lazy edi lolz , later post again ba =0 ..hapi everyday , dun giv up ya =)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
PonTeng ...
Out of sudden , i dun feel like going to college..Nt becoz of nose bleeding , it juz i dun feel like going..I wonder why ..Btw , bert , gratz ya , one more driver in our class =) ..So sien , juz duno why , and i wonder why too ..Hmm ,gotta be alot of homework waitin for me juz too lazy to do anything =X ..
Actuali there's something i wanna share with u all , wait ar ..Here it is :
A place where Papa pays and Son plays.
Life Insurance:
A contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die Rich.
A person who wakes u up to give you sleeping pills.
It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her masters.
The hydraulic force by which masculine willpower is defeated by feminine waterpower.
An art of transferring information from the notes of the Lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through "the minds of either".
The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.
The art of dividing a cake in such away that everybody believes he got the biggest piece.
A place where success comes before work.
Conference Room:
A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on.
A banker provided by nature.
Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.
One who shakes your hand before elections and your Confidence after.
A person who kills your ills by pills, and kills you by bills.
Books, which people praise, but do not read.
A curve that can set a lot of things straight.
A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life.
The only time some married men ever get to open their mouth.
A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.
Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.
The name men give to their mistakes.
Atom Bomb:
An invention to end all inventions.
A fool who torments himself during
life, to be wise after death.
Let's talk bout smile today =) ..For me , i think it's true , that with a smile ,it can set alot of things straight , dun ya think so ?Of coz there's alot of things and stuff we'll met in our life,and alot of feelings too , like sad , disappointed , jealous etc ..Talkin bout jealous , i do make alot of mistakes due to jealousy , and i hate myself tat time =X ..
And why will we become jealous of someone or something ar ?Through my experiece(lol) , one will be jealous is either becoz of hate , or lack of self-confident..(that's my opinion lar , i duno)..Woot , and of coz , im jealous becoz im lack of self-confident =), haha ..Too bad ya , girls love guys with self-confident =( ..But no worry , we can slowly 'pupuk' our self-confident de mar , as long as u nvr give up , everything will be alrite , and most important , rmb to SMILE alwiz =)..
K ba , and one more thing ..Smile ,as someone will fall in LOVE with it !!
Have a nice day .. ^^v [ada song baru =)]
Actuali there's something i wanna share with u all , wait ar ..Here it is :
A place where Papa pays and Son plays.
Life Insurance:
A contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die Rich.
A person who wakes u up to give you sleeping pills.
It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her masters.
The hydraulic force by which masculine willpower is defeated by feminine waterpower.
An art of transferring information from the notes of the Lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through "the minds of either".
The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.
The art of dividing a cake in such away that everybody believes he got the biggest piece.
A place where success comes before work.
Conference Room:
A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on.
A banker provided by nature.
Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.
One who shakes your hand before elections and your Confidence after.
A person who kills your ills by pills, and kills you by bills.
Books, which people praise, but do not read.
A curve that can set a lot of things straight.
A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life.
The only time some married men ever get to open their mouth.
A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.
Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.
The name men give to their mistakes.
Atom Bomb:
An invention to end all inventions.
A fool who torments himself during
life, to be wise after death.
Let's talk bout smile today =) ..For me , i think it's true , that with a smile ,it can set alot of things straight , dun ya think so ?Of coz there's alot of things and stuff we'll met in our life,and alot of feelings too , like sad , disappointed , jealous etc ..Talkin bout jealous , i do make alot of mistakes due to jealousy , and i hate myself tat time =X ..
And why will we become jealous of someone or something ar ?Through my experiece(lol) , one will be jealous is either becoz of hate , or lack of self-confident..(that's my opinion lar , i duno)..Woot , and of coz , im jealous becoz im lack of self-confident =), haha ..Too bad ya , girls love guys with self-confident =( ..But no worry , we can slowly 'pupuk' our self-confident de mar , as long as u nvr give up , everything will be alrite , and most important , rmb to SMILE alwiz =)..
K ba , and one more thing ..Smile ,as someone will fall in LOVE with it !!
Have a nice day .. ^^v [ada song baru =)]
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Busy Week ..
Hmm, these few dayz feeling extremely tired and sienz leh ,so many presentation and homework , somemore gonna hav small test tomolo,juz chong-ing my bio onli , haha ..hmm , last friday (february 22)was ah vui bday , all of us still wonderin wat to get for her bday , at last , but no least , we bought her a glass piano and a big big teddy , hooray for her ya =D ...
Oh ya , sudenly someone remind me that i'd denggi be4,oh god ,miss the old yesterdayz ya ..hmm ling , i hope u alwiz hapi and wont regret in anything..As i alwiz say , when u edi make a decision , nvr regret on it ok ?=)
phew talkin about my valentine , actuali i did NOTHING on tat day ..haha xD(liar)..Since most of u all knows my plan edi , no nid for me to mention wats happening gua ? haha ..still guessing the meaning ar ?12 roses , 11 real flowers with 1 fake rose , lai lai ,what's da meaning ,gor gor belanja Milo Ais ..i oso duno im tat romantic actuali , lol jokin , haha ..For jenghui , dun be sad lar , study first ya =)..AND for all da bachelors , hapi valentine ..wei xl , next year u wont be alone edi , haha ..faster find 1 =X
One more funny thing , actuali not funny lar , quite sad oso , my fren kena rompak lolz ..Kaihsien , faster get a new phone now !Hope everything is alrite ya ..And dun be the first tat run lar , u ar kh , tarak guna xD .. haha
K lar , gonna end here , though i hav alot of stuffs to share ,make it next time ba =)..Good dayz all ..
Oh ya , sudenly someone remind me that i'd denggi be4,oh god ,miss the old yesterdayz ya ..hmm ling , i hope u alwiz hapi and wont regret in anything..As i alwiz say , when u edi make a decision , nvr regret on it ok ?=)
phew talkin about my valentine , actuali i did NOTHING on tat day ..haha xD(liar)..Since most of u all knows my plan edi , no nid for me to mention wats happening gua ? haha ..still guessing the meaning ar ?12 roses , 11 real flowers with 1 fake rose , lai lai ,what's da meaning ,gor gor belanja Milo Ais ..i oso duno im tat romantic actuali , lol jokin , haha ..For jenghui , dun be sad lar , study first ya =)..AND for all da bachelors , hapi valentine ..wei xl , next year u wont be alone edi , haha ..faster find 1 =X
One more funny thing , actuali not funny lar , quite sad oso , my fren kena rompak lolz ..Kaihsien , faster get a new phone now !Hope everything is alrite ya ..And dun be the first tat run lar , u ar kh , tarak guna xD .. haha
K lar , gonna end here , though i hav alot of stuffs to share ,make it next time ba =)..Good dayz all ..
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
ZZZzzzz spoil my DaY ...
Sien ar , 2nd day of skul , edi scratched ppl's car edi , wat the heck ..I drive so nice edi ar , nvr scratch my 'new' car be4 ..Sighz , as my dad say , alwiz rush for skul , late nite dun wanna slp summore , keep playin games ..I din play lar , even got oso check for few minutes onli , he think i stil like last time meh..Parents wont know tat their children wil grow and become mature for sometimes ? zzzzzzz ,wateva , i scratched ppl , no point argue-ing , as they the one that pay for my 'sin' =/ ...Reali spoil my day lolx ..
Chamx ar , im not feeling jealous , im nt feeling jealous =) .. lolx , i think im not ..btw , since im writin , mai juz explain about me and ling oso ? =) ok here it is ..
U know ar ?i think its imposible to forget someone,unless u realli determined to do so , even if u do try ur best , but in the end he/she stil remain in ur heart..Of coz i nvr forget her in my life lar , she been through my life , and im glad she did ..At least she made me understand alot of stuff , i feel sad lar , hapi lar , sour lar(jealous xD) , hot lar(coz she's hot for me haha, last time ba lolz) and etc ..But then u din forget a person , doesnt mean u still very love him/her de mar?U juz let it go onli ,tatz it .. u all shud know ba ? 最后的疼爱是手放开。。
Ok lar , im not mad or wat lar , juz wan ya guyz to know ..She's now hapi with ah Ken mar , dun alwiz keep mention her infront of me , ask how i feel ar ,am i feeling sad ar,etc...very normal lar , if u saw a couple doin those couple stuff(hug hug ar , 暧昧 ar ,etc ..)in front of ya , of coz u'll feel 尴尬 or embarresed de mar, rite?tatz y lor ..tatz wat i feel when i saw them , and im glad she's hapi with him , and i hope she will .. =)
K lar ,settle , im on my mood now , hahaz ..hapi holiday tomolo =)
手放开 =)
Chamx ar , im not feeling jealous , im nt feeling jealous =) .. lolx , i think im not ..btw , since im writin , mai juz explain about me and ling oso ? =) ok here it is ..
U know ar ?i think its imposible to forget someone,unless u realli determined to do so , even if u do try ur best , but in the end he/she stil remain in ur heart..Of coz i nvr forget her in my life lar , she been through my life , and im glad she did ..At least she made me understand alot of stuff , i feel sad lar , hapi lar , sour lar(jealous xD) , hot lar(coz she's hot for me haha, last time ba lolz) and etc ..But then u din forget a person , doesnt mean u still very love him/her de mar?U juz let it go onli ,tatz it .. u all shud know ba ? 最后的疼爱是手放开。。
Ok lar , im not mad or wat lar , juz wan ya guyz to know ..She's now hapi with ah Ken mar , dun alwiz keep mention her infront of me , ask how i feel ar ,am i feeling sad ar,etc...very normal lar , if u saw a couple doin those couple stuff(hug hug ar , 暧昧 ar ,etc ..)in front of ya , of coz u'll feel 尴尬 or embarresed de mar, rite?tatz y lor ..tatz wat i feel when i saw them , and im glad she's hapi with him , and i hope she will .. =)
K lar ,settle , im on my mood now , hahaz ..hapi holiday tomolo =)
手放开 =)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year = Study ?
Eeeeeeee , its skul timez ..Though still got few dayz holiday left for me , but homework havnt finish ar ...errrrrrr , sad sad ..But then , when im checking for price list for maple , lolz stil gaming , i saw one funny equation ..Anyone still wondering whether goin to skul is a smart decision or not ? Check tis out xD ...After tat , decide urself =) ..

Still wondering ? haha ...Happi New Yearz ..Study hard ya ..
ciaoz ^^

Still wondering ? haha ...Happi New Yearz ..Study hard ya ..
ciaoz ^^
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